Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Makanan Anjing

1. Food Dog
Price : Rp. 50.000
Dog food is made from ingredients that have nutrients and vitamins that are good for growing dogs, these foods have a unique shape and small, making it easy to eat the dog.
Order Call: Shella 0812 37112094 Email: SilviaShellaa@yahoo.com
Address :Kebon Mangga No. 33, South Jakarta.

2. Pro Choice
Price : Rp. 35.000

Not all dogs like the all the food such as bone, here we sell canned dog food form, to make it easier to to providing and feed the dog, and the dog at meal times are also easier to chew, because the food was fine.
Contact : Shella 0812 37112094 Email: SilviaShellaa@yahoo.com
Address :Kebon Mangga No. 33, South Jakarta.

3. Vegetarian Food Dog
Price : Rp. 60.000
 Not all dogs eat bones and fish, but there are also dogs who eat vegetables, here we are selling dog food specifically for dogs who do not eat bones and fish, dog food is made from vegetables that have a lot of nutrients.
 Order Call: Shella 0812 37112094 Email: SilviaShellaa@yahoo.com (Order by code in Item)
Address :Kebon Mangga No. 33, South Jakarta.


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